About Me

About Me

Here’s a little bit about me – I’ll try not to waffle on…

I live near Manchester with my amazing wife Bex and wonderfully entertaining four-year-old son Zac, AKA the funniest person I’ve ever met.

When I’m not armed with my camera or being made to dance around the living room with a washing basket on my head by Zac, you’ll probably find me riding my bike up hills or running in the countryside. Give me some fresh air and a nice view and I’m a happy man.

I also race in the odd triathlon and last year ticked one item off the bucket list when I completed Triathlon X, voted ‘the world’s toughest Ironman’. Let’s just say it took longer than your wedding day. My next goal is to run a 100-mile ultra-marathon.

So what else am I into? Holidays to interesting places. 90s indie music. Every single series of Last Chance U on Netflix. Strong cheese (if it’s blue, even better). Test cricket (beats T20 hands down). Ultra-marathons. Oh, and I have an unhealthy obsession with podcasts (Rich Roll rocks).

My favourite film is Leon (Rocky 2 pushes it close). My favourite band are the Stone Roses (no-one pushes them close). And my favourite dessert is my mum’s homemade lemon posset. Hit me up and I might share the recipe 😉

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Tell me all about your wedding

“I found Justin a really calming influence – he was so chilled. He even gave the mother of the bride a lift… totally above and beyond!” – Tiffany & Rob